The Snowy Monaro area, alongside many other areas in NSW and Australia wide have recently experienced drought, raging bush fires and some local flooding with intermittent storm activity and now with the COVID-19 Coronavirus. We are working through all these challenges.
South East Local Land Services recently released a warning to producers on the Monaro regarding an outbreak of aphids being found on lucerne crops, causing cases of photosensitisation in sheep and lambs. See the post below for further information or contact South East Local Land Services directly.
A warning for producers on the Monaro.
Several cases of photosensitisation in sheep and lambs have been reported across the Monaro recently. It is believed that this has been caused by sheep grazing on lucerne crops that have cowpea aphid on them.
Land managers are strongly encouraged to check their lucerne for the presence of these aphids. If significant numbers are present, we suggest removing stock from these paddocks until the aphid numbers can be controlled and reduced (talk to your local agronomist for options).
If animals are displaying symptoms of photo sensitisation, remove them from the paddock and provide shade and shelter from direct sunlight until their condition improves (this could take about a week). Private vet practitioners can assist with pain relief and inflammation control options if required.
You can find more information about the symptoms and treatment options in the NSW DPI Prime Fact:
If you have any questions or concerns contact your local agronomist, private vet or Local Land Services
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